The best way to fully understand the advantages of eclogite, it is crucial to compare it with another typical rock used in the North Sea.
The stone weight needed for a given rock density may be corrected according to the formula:
W=Wo (Pso/Pw - 1) x Ps
(Ps /Pw - 1) x Pso
W = Weight of actual rock
Wo = Weight of reference rock
Pw = Sea water density ~ 1.025 kg/dm
Ps = Actual rock density
Pso = Reference rock density = 2.68 kg/dm
and the stone weight is given by
W = Wo x k
The factor k below is shown as a function of the rock density.
To illustrate this formula, we compare 50 kg eclogite (of 3,2 t/m3) with 100 kg granite (of 2,65 t/m3).
W = Wo x k
W = Weight of Eclogite (density 3,20 kg/dm )
Wo = Weight of Granite (density 2,68 kg/dm )
k = Factor 0,50 (see graph)
W = 100 x 0,50 = 50 kg.
A 100 kg Granite rock has the same submerged weight/dm2 as a 50 kg Eclogite rock.
A 100 kg Granite rock can be replaced with an Eclogite rock of 50 kg.